Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Assault on Hunny Bees

My last post today... I promise.
Salon has a really complex but helpful interview with four bee and polination experts discussing the recent drop in bee population and the relating factors. Apparently, there are a number of factors, all of which have been proven to affect the health of the population, but none of which can account for the scale of the problem.

I think we are facing a series of problems like this, problems that are environmental in nature, and this has been a real eye-opener for me as to how poorly prepared this country and countries around the world are in taking note of how climate change or global change will impact our ecosystems. Humanity is affecting our ecosystems, and it's very complex to determine whether this is due to environmental change or some disease. You can see now that it is very difficult to pull these things apart.
The fact that Christians aren't leading the charge in issues like the catastrophic decline of the honeybee and other polinator population is crazy. For me, it all boils down to the really poor to non-existent doctrine of creation and ensuing experience of the world many of us have. The experts are right; if the bee population can't sustain the polination demand, it's not like we're going to get our produce somewhere else. We're screwed. Hopefully someone will write a sequel to Assault on Reason and call it Assault on Hunny and my Tummy.


Anonymous said...

Thanks be to God that a Christian blogger is commenting on sustainability issues. Trinitarian doctrine is important. And so is eating.

Davis said...

We have a Christian responsibility to save "our mother the bee" and the health of the glorious world over which God has given us dominion.