Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Vanhoozer nearly kills monkey

For those of you that know me, you'll remember that I spent three really formative and harrowing years under the tutelage of Kevin Vanhoozer in Deerfield, IL. Well, some of you may also know that during that time I helped KJV in a really small way by reading the first few chapter drafts of his Drama of Doctrine (I even got a thanks in the book for my small part). Anyway, I found this really delightful blog post on the DofD that I thought I'd share with you all. Enjoy


Scott Williams said...

The bright orange of DofD sits uneasily with the comparatively dull orange of the paperback version of Barth's Church Dogmatics 1.1. My guess is that KJV wanted to step up the intensity of the orange for our day and age.

D. W. McClain said...

I think that is an insightful contextual reading of the book cover, although it seems to presuppose a good deal of authorial intent. I'd be more interested in what ways the orange creates meaning for the readers. Is there meaning ON this text?

Christopher said...

...and more importantly, what is the meaning for the monkey? Which is really the great question underlying all other questions. =)