Sunday, June 24, 2007

More on children

Joel Garver, a prof at LaSalle, has an insightful writeup over at his blog, Sacra Doctrina, on the state of children and violence in Philadelphia. Apropos our last conversation here, read his post if you get a chance. The information comes from the Report Card 2007: The Well-Being of Children and Youth in Philadelphia, "the city’s annual analysis of the overall condition of its youngest citizens." Despite the sad results, I agree with Joel's suggested plan of action: fasting, prayer, and service.


Davis said...

This is so heartbreaking. Bless you Father Dan and Mother Kate for taking such loving care of your little one.

D. W. McClain said...

Let's take it easy on the Father-mantle :)

Davis said...

I didn't mean to drop it down on you like Elisha! but it is a burden of love.

Janet leslie Blumberg said...

This hasn't to do with children, but my post today over at my deepgraceoftheory sums up what's been going on in my conversations with scientists and I could sure use some theological and poststructuralist help. This is, in other words, a good time to see if you want to re-enter the conversation, which I know is one that readers of unlikeness are interested in, whether or not you have time to get involved with us right now. I do have some wonderful scientists in this conversation though, I must say! We are remarkably careful with one another's feelings. I'm having a wonderful time thinking with them!

D. W. McClain said...

Janet, thanks for the update. I'll definitely try to grab some time on Deep Grace of Theory on my lunch breaks away from the kids. Thanks for staying in touch with us.

Janet leslie Blumberg said...

You are so gracious! I should have said the post is called "Theorist abases herself in dust and ashes," because the conversation moves fast, and it will get buried soon, but this is the post that updates and provides an entry for new voices.