Monday, July 2, 2007

Summer Lull

Sorry for the unannounced hiatus we've been on these last 2 weeks. We've both been traveling, moving, summer-camp-counseling, recuperating, baby-in-the-er'ing, and etc... as I imagine many of you out there have, too. Further, TLOU will soon be relocating to thanks to a generous grant from our pockets and valuable readers like you. The phones have been ringing all afternoon and we're only $25 away from our goal of a free dinner tonight!

So, run over to our new site if you have a chance, but don't worry, we will clearly announce our move. And, if you subscribe in a reader and made that subscription through one of the snazzy orange links throughout the site, then your reader will be automatically re-directed, thanks to Feedburner. Otherwise, you'll need to redirect your email path to the new address.

So, we should be back in full force, and on our new site, sometime toward the middle to end of this month.

Have a great 4th of July!

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