Saturday, July 28, 2007


Please visit from this day henceforth for all your Catholic Anglican, Balthasarian, Lacanian, Neo-Platonic, and sundry needs.

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New Site Update

Hey everyone. Thanks for checking out the new site, but I'm embarrased to say that I'm still adding the finishing touches. Regarding the comments on the new site, everything should work now. The default setting in leaves comment moderation at Level: Fascist. Obviously, I've disabled that, and we should now be on the road to liberal commenting. Stay tuned for full site activity by the end of the week.


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Monday, July 2, 2007

Off to Guantanamo to get my meds

Just went to see Sicko a couple nights ago, and like all of Moore's films, the images stick pretty well. First of all, I thought it was an excellent movie--compelling, funny, irritating, and earnest. All of the criticisms that one can make of Moore are probably true but ultimately not very interesting. The bottom line is he just makes good movies about important topics. This one especially I thought had a sense of improvisation, lightness and self-deprecating humor that really made it a joy to watch. He has a measured sense of his own image and weaves it deftly into the substance of his film. I suggest people watch this in the theaters too, because the reaction of the audience is a big part of the show. When Moore shows the creation of HMO's via a white house tape of Nixon and Ehrlichmann people got genuinely angry (and foul-mouthed), and not in the pansy ass liberal way. More like that LA street riot way. And when we broke into applause at the words of a British statesman, it wasn't a self-righteous nod to someone who is affirming our own presuppositions, but acknowledgment of how surprising the truth can be, what a good idea democracy is, and the huge potential that Americans, perhaps alone among the peoples of this earth, have to mark this world with a genuine form of it.

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Summer Lull

Sorry for the unannounced hiatus we've been on these last 2 weeks. We've both been traveling, moving, summer-camp-counseling, recuperating, baby-in-the-er'ing, and etc... as I imagine many of you out there have, too. Further, TLOU will soon be relocating to thanks to a generous grant from our pockets and valuable readers like you. The phones have been ringing all afternoon and we're only $25 away from our goal of a free dinner tonight!

So, run over to our new site if you have a chance, but don't worry, we will clearly announce our move. And, if you subscribe in a reader and made that subscription through one of the snazzy orange links throughout the site, then your reader will be automatically re-directed, thanks to Feedburner. Otherwise, you'll need to redirect your email path to the new address.

So, we should be back in full force, and on our new site, sometime toward the middle to end of this month.

Have a great 4th of July!

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